07. Acquarium (not complete)

Dear Reader,
Bear with me, this write is not complete.

                                               7.  ACQUARIUM

 A small boy popped out from the back side of his sweet home. To his surprise, he saw his little friends sitting in close circular formation interestingly busy in looking at something. Curiously, he went near them and had a look for his dear himself. Inside a crystal clear transparent bottle filled with water two small golden fishes were swimming along the inside boundary of the bottle.

Warm rays of brilliant sunshine enhanced the fluorescent orange radiance of the golden fishes. The small boy made a sweet request to this friends for the personal sighting. His friends offered him the fish bottle. The small boy caught hold of the threaded top portion of the bottle and lifted it to the horizontal position of his eyes.

The gold fishes appeared bewildered at the sight of the boys and the new environment they have been placed in. As the small boy turned the bottle in gentle circular motion to get a close view of the fishes, they swam to the other side which they considered safe for them. The small boy slightly increased the rotational pace and finally had a good close look at them. The fishes again tried to get to the other side. They swan in circular motion in an attempt to stay further from his sight. But the small boy kept them in vicinity by the circular movement of the glass bottle with his fingers.

The gold fishes finally gave up. They held themselves stationary and kept opening and closing their mouths to take water inside for breathing the dissolved oxygen. The gills on the sides of their bodies kept opening and closing in harmony with the opening and closing of their mouth. Their breathing was very funny. After sometime, they flipped their pectoral fins and swam to the other side creating small ripples inside the water.
The small boy felt an irresistible desire to have some fishes on his own. But for this permission would be necessary. His excited little brain gave him an idea – a good one. The given idea was to go inside his house along with his friends, reveal the gold fishes to his mother and persuade her to give him some money. Surely, with so many of his excited friends surrounding her with smiling faces and the fluorescent radiance of the fishes should win the approval nod of his mother. The idea worked very well for his mother was in a good mood in that fine morning. She did not even make him request her for the fourth time.

In short time, the happiest children on Earth were walking gleefully towards an Acquarium shop. The recent small owner of the golden fishes was enthusiastically talking about the wide variety of colorful fishes he had seen in the Acquarium shop. The small listeners switched on their visual imagination departments when he narrated about the acquarium experience.

One small asked about the feeding of the fishes. The other small inserted his hand into his pocket and took out a cylindrical shaped plastic container. He then flipped opened it and poured colourful pellets into his palm. The other smalls picked up the tiny pellets and had a close observation of them. It was a fine day !!
The Acquarium shop arrived soon. All of the boys entered inside and saw the wide variety of fishes kept inside different acquariums. The acquariums were of different colors. There were blue acquariums, violet acquariums, orange acquariums, red acquariums and green acquariums. They all had the same transparent glass boundaries but the colors of their water were different. The different colors of the acquariums presented visual effects to the fishes. The golden fishes looked excellent in orange acquariums. The black mollies looked spectacular in blue acquariums. Almost all the fishes looked good in their respective colored acquariums. The interior designs of the acquariums were nice. A very fine aesthetic mind was definitely involved during the setup of the acquariums.

The fishes inside the acquariums were numerous and versatile. Some were small, Some looked agile, some looked beautiful, some seemed innocent, some appeared ferocious, and some looked very deadly. Some fishes were not included in the acquariums. Instead they were kept in separate bottle containers. They were the fighter fishes and belonged to the most violent type. Two fighter fishes inside one container would mean the death of any one of them and one fighter fish inside an acquarium would mean the death of all of the fishes. But sometimes when kept in an acquarium, they cause no harm to other types of fishes provided they are small and alone. The boys were informed.

Inside the acquariums, the fishes were swimming fore and aft. Some were swimming in a zig zag manner. Some fishes occupied different heights inside the acquarium to have more freedom of straight line movements. The boys who happened to be walking in the air medium, by means of glass mediums, saw the fishes swimming in the water medium. The meeting of the two mediums was interesting. The little friends of the small boy after sighting the fishes told him about their favourites and left the final option to him. The small boy selected a pair of Qui Carp fishes which he found them to be good looking and fast moving. They both had nice streamline shapes and a nice combination of black and yellow colors. His little friends also seemed to have a good mind about them.

Meanwhile, the shop owner who was delighted over the entry of so many smalls into his shop was disappointed to note that only one of them would be buying his submarines. But the absorbed sight of the other boys set upon his submarines kindled hopes of near future collections of them. And so warm hospitality was extended by him to all the boys.

The small boy moved to different acquariums to see the betterment of his selection. There were many which were better than his selection but all of them were costlier than his wallet. But still he liked the Qui Carps very much. Without regret, he told the shop man that he would buy them. A transparent bag was filled with water. The shopman took out the fishing net and trapped a Qui Carp fish against the front side of the glass. The small boy confirmed his choice.

The fishes inside the acquarium swam to the other end. Some fishes went carefully near the fishing net as a gesture of saying ‘goodbye’ to one of their friend. The trapped fish was sent into the water bag. After sometime, the second selected fish went inside too. The feelings of the fishes could not be understood. The boy with golden fishes informed the small boy that food pellets and a fishing net are an absolute must for the keeping of the fishes. The shop owner agreed with him. And so fish pellets and a fishing net were purchased too. After the buying, the boys left the acquarium shop with regret. The fishes inside the acquariums kept swimming in their minds. The small boy was pre occupied with the thoughts of setting up an acquarium. The boy with the golden fishes told him some suggestions.

Meanwhile, the boys who were walking behind developed jealousy in proportion to the number of fishes and built intentions of checking the minute domination of the two boys. They started to have a calculation of their pocket money for setting up their own acquariums. Some had an idea of setting up a shared acquarium with lots of fishes but the placement of acquarium in whose house became a worry for them. Some of their were co operative parents who wouldn’t mind the presence of an acquarium in their house despite the trouble of their maintenance but that would be giving too much advantage to one single boy. So the idea of setting up a shared acquarium went pop in their minds.

The two Qui Carp fishes like the golden fishes appeared bewildered at the sight of the boys and the peculiar environment they have been placed in. As the small boy kept the transparent water bag to get a close view of the fishes, they swam to the other side which they considered safe for them. The small boy slightly increased the rotational pace and had a good close look at them. The fishes tried to get to the other side. They swam in circular motion to stay further from his sight. But the small boy kept them in his vicinity by the circular movement of the water bag with his fingers. The Qui Carps finally gave up. They held themselves and kept opening and closing their gills and mouth to take the water inside for breathing. Their breathing was very funny. After sometime they flipped their pectoral fins and swam to the other side creating small ripples inside the water. It was a fine day !!

The small boy reached his house soon. The fishes seemed to interest his mother too. Her son was happy and that made her happy.


          Written by Gokula Anand.                                                       Year 2002 - 2003

for suitable inclusions in the above write

The living medium of sea fishes is sea water. The living medium of the humans these days is mind.

Natural water is a healthy condition of life for the fishes. They are sure to die in artificial water like acquariums etc. However hard they are made to live – they are sure to die. Natural mind is a healthy condition of life for the humans. They are sure to suffer in artificial mind. However hard it is tried, they are sure to die when they live in artificial mind.

Sea fishes cannot live in river. And river fishes cannot live in Sea.
Sophisticated people cannot live with unsophisticated people.

n conclusion it must be said that the small acquariums of the golden fishes are larger than the human mind acquariums set up by the human mind.

The Qui Carps took a back seat after the arrival of the golden fishes.

But for the golden fishes, even the well was an acquarium.  They swam in the deep blue oceans which had no boundaries.

If an individual was put in a glass cage, 2 foot by 2 foot and given just air, water and food what would be the condition of him/her. The condition of the fishes were like this. The fishes could well be comfortable inside the acquarium with the basic necessities and with little freedom of movement. But people cannot be comfortable with just the basic necessities with little freedom of movement of the body and more importantly that of the mind.
The fishes have only bodily movements and they have no movements of the mind. And so they can possibly survive.

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