06. Inverted City

                                              INVERTED  CITY
                                          casual write casual read

2090 Anno Domini


 An XHT – YD 10 commercial airliner bound for the Inverted City took off from the runway and climbed to its ceiling height. It then started to cruise towards its planned destination aerodrome – the Blue Danube.

A young passenger named Journix was found very tense. This was his first aeroplane journey and that too towards an unknown place.  His friend had assured him of the presence of a caretaker at the Blue Danube Airport. But still he was bit nervous. Though his would-be caretaker was supposed to be a very jovial close friend of his friend, Journix was overwhelmed by something. But that something was indeed a nothing.

Journix made a rewind of the only information he had about the Inverted City – the city was supposed to be an interesting one. Almost everyone who had visited the city admitted it. But all of them were strangely “unable” to explain what made it so interesting. That was all Journix knew about his destination place.

But there was something different on board the aircraft. Naturally, if the city was interesting, the natives of that city must be interesting too. Surely, they were quite different. At first, their difference went unnoticed by him. Now that he became accustomed to the aircraft’s interior and had set his eyes on the passengers of the aircraft, he could observe their difference.

Almost everyone wore colorful bright fluorescent dress materials. Not to mention the grandmas and grandpas. Their dresses were equally radiant like all others. It seemed that the tailors of their dress materials spent half their lifetime in fashion technology institutes – their stitches too were very technological. Their body language was very refined and appeared quite normal. The most interesting part of them was their funny language with peculiar expressions of their own.

As regards Journix, he was seated in the middle of a row located in the centre of the cabin. To his right, nearby the window, a man in his mid forties was reading an Asterix comic book and was belly laughing every now and then. To his left, a teenage boy was reading a Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel and appeared very serious. Journix thought of exchanging the books between them but later on thought the better of it and remained silent.

In the front of his seat, smalls and littles were engaged in heated arguments regarding politics and elderly people seated behind him were  merrily talking about the Jerry mouse which cleverly outwitted the Tom cat in a dramatic close encounter. Quite far away, in his vicinity, one ninety year old granny was playing a hand video game in a tense manner.

Few minutes passed by

An Airhostess walked into their compartment and requested everyone to fasten their seatbelts. Journix remembered that it was a hyper-sonic aircraft which flew seven times faster than the speed of the sound. And that it actually consumes more time for landing and take-off  than for the cruise flight on short-haul routes.

The aircraft made a silk landing at the runway of the Blue Danube Airport. Journix’s memory reminded him that his caretaker was supposed to wear an blistering orange cap and meet him on the tenth table at a certain cafeteria. After the departure from the Airport, Journix walked into the “The Warm Coffee” and took the told tenth table. Very soon, a blistering orange cap advanced towards him.

“Mr Journix !?’ inquired a funny looking smiling man.

Journix nodded his head in a friendly manner.

“My name is Frentax” said the smiling man pointing at his cap.

Journix smiled a smile !!

“ I am joyously pleased to meet you ..Mr Journix. Any friend of Tintax is my friend too. I should be happy if you would shake me by the hand……...What !? “ said Frentax somewhat overwhelmed.

Journix readily offered his hand and allowed him to shake.

“How about a small little tasty coffee? “ Frentax extended his hospitality after a minute long shaking of hands.
Journix agreed and looked around for the waiter. But Frentax pressed a small button at the end of the table. An up popped a 6 inch microprocessor in the middle of the table colorfully displaying the menu. Frentax made some entries in a column and pressed the same button again. And down went the microprocessor.

In few seconds, coffee was on their table..

“ I must say that your friend and my friend Tintax is a Jolly Good Chap – What!? …” Frentax face was on smile again.

Journix nodded his head in agreement.

“That old fruit Tintax told me that you won an airplane ticket prize when you bought a music system. Isn’t it so”

“Yes, And I must say that I really enjoyed the aeroplane and the flight ..Nice Aircrafts you have built..” said Journix in an attempt to please Frentax.

“Tell you what! Old boy! Those aircrafts cannot even be compared with God’s little cuckoos. Those cuckoos seldom crash land or make emergency landings. Nor do they all go to Lufthansa Technik for their maintenance. They all fly playfully and these aeroplanes fly seriously. We had been thinking of making them fly like the little cuckoos but it looks that it will take a jolly lot of time, What !

“You seem to be very humble …..” Journix told.

“Goodness , yes, old boy …..because the God is all mighty …….”

Journix decided to talk to this casual man without formalities.

(But the fact,  that the aeroplanes which humans have built can fly much faster than the God’s birds was not discussed here. Maybe, Journix did not want to create a controversy with Frentax at the very first meeting. But then Frentax could have retorted with the words like – the materials used to build up the hyper-sonic aeroplanes were laid down on Earth by the cosmic mind millions of years ago underneath the surface of the Earth..)

“Tell me one thing ..while in aircraft… I happenend to sight huge and high pillars erected all over the city in distance of kilometers. What are those for ……”
“They are to stop the sky from falling on our heads” said Frentax in a fearful manner. “It might not possibly happen. But just in case the sky falls on our heads, we people might get crushed up ….”

“These people are crazy” Journix murmured himself.
“I hate to say that I will be leaving tomorrow “ Journix said “You know I just won an prize and am constrained to leave  ……….. “My return flight is scheduled tomorrow”.
“Awfully sorry to hear that. Old boy! I thought of taking you to many jolly spots. What ! ………..said Frentax, somewhat disappointed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll surely spend a couple of days when I come next time ……..” said Journix and finished the last sip of his coffee.
The coffee and the cafeteria were both nice and good for Journix. The people of the city seemed to be nice and good too. But in any city, the people inside and around Airports are always nice and good. Atleast they appear to be.”

“I say, old chap, I think it’s getting on for time…..”

“Time, Time for what? “ said Journix, replied slightly puzzled.

“Time to go to my jolly little jolly house ……What! …….”
“Why do you keep on saying What for?..” Journix asked politely.

“I say sir, don’t you know what’s what ….What! “

Jounix reminded himself that patience is a great virtue.

 In short time, both of them were standing at a bus parking.

“I thought of bringing my Car but that would have been a waste of solar energy ….”  Frentax confessed “here we people prefer public buses which are as quick and comfortable as our own cars….”
Sure Enough !
Two buses came to their bus parking one behind the other. One read as Normal bus and the another which came behind read as Abnormal bus. Journix stood unable to differentiate the two like buses. Frentax took him inside the Abnormal bus and sat in the front row in an attempt to make him enjoy the bus ride.

However, Journix did not seem to enjoy. For him, the appearance of the driver portion looked very puzzling. No wonder, it has been named as Abnormal. There were two sets of control panels in the bus. One on the right hand side where the driver was seated and another on the left hand side. And there were two gear changing mechanisms, side by side, located at the center of two control panels.

Not wanting to appear dense, he did not wish to sort out his question with Frentax. Meanwhile, Frentax engaged him into a tittle-tattle.

“Who do you think he is? ……..” asked Frentax pointing at the driver.

“Of course …he is the driver of the bus …….” said Journix with an air of inquisition.

“Yes! Yes! He is the driver of this bus …..” said Frentax with a smile. But that jolly good chap is also the Mayor of this city”.
“Mayor!?” exclaimed Journix, confused ……”But why does he drive the public bus ….”

“So that he will be able to personally assess the condition of the buses, roads and the city. He randomly drives the public buses for few days on different routes once in a year ……..” Frentax said cheerfully.

“Sounds Good! But how does he administer other departments at the same time. Transportation is not the only thing in the city ……….” Journix queried.

“Yes, Old boy, that jolly old fruit administers other departments as well …” Frentax chortled.

“How!? Journix now appeared very puzzled.

Frentax continued ……..”It is like this. In the day time, he like catching Black Mollies in the deep blue sea catches the problems of the transportation one by one and puts them into his pocket for the coming two months. And in the night time, he controls the other departments ….....”

“But ….When does he sleep? ………

“That’s easy, old boy while driving the bus ……..”

“While driving the bus!? …….. Panic gripped Journix.

“……….Don’t worry. There are Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems fitted on these buses. Whenever something moves into the danger zone, the systems will automatically apply the brakes.

“I suppose those systems do the driving part also …..”

“Goodness, Yes! ……”

“ Then why the Mayor on the driver seat ………”

“ Wake up, old boy …….. I already told you the reason …….”
Journix turned around and looked at the conductor busy talking to the passengers.

“What about the conductor over there. I suppose he is some sort of politician too ……”

“Yeah! He is the undersecretary of the city ……..” Frentax replied in a casual manner.

“Those people around him are addressing their problems to him …” Frentax added.

“What about the Governmental system here?

“It is a “Dem-Com" system. Earlier we found that the communist system had become impractical for millions and the democratic system gave power to the millions of simpletons who were not worthy of selecting those who can govern efficiently... Now we do not allow the simpletons to choose and elect governance. The super computers that perform millions of instructions per second, decide and give orders to government staff. Last year, dozens of transportation staff were given death sentence by "Governor" super computer for causing death of travellers on road because of improper road conditions. The damaged roads were not assessed and properly laid back again by them. Death sentence for those who cause death. For it (super computer), only humans exist - not president, prime minister, mayor, ditch digger, beggar. Nothing. One crosses the line, he / she is punished. No mercy, nothing.            *1 (see end of this write)
In another incident where a police man holding a respectable position severely beat a man without sufficient cause and accusation, the system ordered the beaten up man to beat up the police man in equal proportion of the damage, he suffered within. Just like the news that spread inside the town where the beaten up man lived, the incident of the beaten up man, beating up the police man was also broadcast inside the town.
In another case, the police that beat up a man who condition became such that he cannot walk properly for the rest of his life, the system ordered orthopaedic beat doctor to inflict the same damage to the bones of all police men responsible for such brutal acts. Nobody must cross the limits. Within limits, this city is heaven. If not, it will become a hell.        *2 (see end of this write)
Please excuse me, my friend for making you uncomfortable with negative facts. Kindly bear with me. You are on a vacation. I must not play the spoilsport.
“See something over there …….” Frentax pointed his finger at a slanted cylindrical building, similar to the leaning tower of Pisa which appeared to fall right over the road if at all it fell.

Journix thought that Frentax would now say something spectacular about the construction of the building. How it will not fall down, though it appeared. But he was wrong!

“As per the crash predictions it will fall at 1215 hours  …….” Frentax said glancing at his watch which read as 1213 hours.

“Only 2 minutes left ….” Journix observed gloomily. “I only hope it does not fall over this bus ………”

“Don’t worry, two minutes are sufficient to cross the building …..”
1214 hours
The slanted building fell with a heavy thud just few meters before their bus. The systems jammed the brakes and brought the bus to an immediate stand still.
“Bit of a bore ! Those forbidden people were one minute wrong …….What! “ said Frentax, slightly disappointed and kept one of his finger on his forehead.
“These people are crazy. Thank God. I’m still alive ………” Journix murmured.
The driver of the bus went and sat on the left hand side of the bus and started to press some buttons on the control panel.
“What’s he doing? ……..” Journix inquired with the hope of having his long term query answered. Now that the driver has changed his side, the question appeared relevant.
“Boy! He is preparing for Lift Off  …………”
“Lift Off ……..” Journix repeated , puzzled.
“Kindly look over there ……” said Frentax pointing at an airborne bus.

Journix gasped! In front of their bus, in the opposite lane, a bus was floating on the air about 30 feet from the ground.

In few seconds, several tens of buses were floating on the air across the opposite lane. Journix hardly believed his eyes!

“Jolly Good Show …….What! ..said Frentax clapping his hands in an excited manner.

………these buses have licence to fly only within 30 feet from the ground, so that they will not interfere with the traffic of the Aeroplanes ………”

The driver cum mayor shifted the left hand gear upwards and soon their Abnormal bus was also airborne. About a thirty feet extended upwards from a signal post on ground was another signal post to discipline the Abnormal buses for the purpose of preventing “air” accidents.

The signal post in front of them was still “Red” and so their bus was held stationary. In front of them, other airborne buses passed across them, to their left hand side without the ground underneath them. When their signal went “Green” their bus crossed the building wreckage, lowered down and touched the Earth once again. The bus “hostess” served hot tea and biscuits to both of them.

“How are these buses powered?.........” Journix enquired after bewildered minutes of recovery from the strange floating sight.

The Rolls Royce Bristol Pegasus Engines [actually fitted on Sea Harrier fighter aircrafts capable of performing a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) on Aircraft Carrier Naval Warships.] used for flying are powered by Aviation Gas Turbine fuel. The engines employ vectored thrust through 4 rotatable nozzles and there are jet reaction control valves in nose and tail sections and for lateral control, in each outrigger wheel fairing. The engines used on road are all solar powered. Before we had Diesel buses and Petrol vehicles but those are in Museums now”.

“You will be surprised, my dear friend” Frentax went on “that this city suffers from environmental cooling contrary to global warming. All constructions of this city are built of sturdy reinforced solar panel walls instead of with bricks and cement. So the heat of the Sun is absorbed in each and every corner of the city. In fact, the air conditioners which normally “cool the air” do not cool the air here. Instead they all “heat up” the air.


“These people are crazy” Journix murmured.

Behind them, smalls and littles were hotly discussing politics as to whether their President was a good man or not. After a short while, the heated argument of them reached their boiling point and it appeared that they would enter into physical confrontation. The bus hostess immediately intervened and warned them about the non offer of the chocolates if they didn’t change their tune. The hostess stratagem worked very well for the boys maintained pin drop silence then after. Their silence generated a new question in Journix’s head.

“How are people classified here? ……..”

Its really frightfully simple, old boy. They are classified based on qualities like magnanimity, good feelings towards fellow men, vast mindedness, domination desire, ego, greed, jealousy, hatred, cunningness, malevolence, benevolence, adherence of religions, tolerance and the like. Depending on the “intensity” they are categorized accordingly.

“How do you recognize the qualities because people tend to hide them”  Journix questioned.

“The face scanners, radiation scanner and brain scanners analyse every citizen once in every five years and categorize them while they are put to sleep based on their dreams, suppressed desires and other processing nature of their brain. Their category and noteworthy good and bad remarks are fed in their database which they are supposed to carry with them all the time. The people are treated accordingly ……..”

Frentax went on “And bad people are not allowed to reproduce. A TNOX liquid is injected into them and only when injected an neutralizing agent will they be able to reproduce. That will be when they become good people.” Frentax was visibly proud.

“These people are crazy….” Journix murmured again.

Something in the bus announced the name of their bus parking. Frentax got down with Journix and started to walk towards his house. As for Journix, the answers of Frentax  and the happenings of the city made his head both dizzy and tizzy. As he was unable to tune himself with the city in such a short time, he decided to leave the confounded city and go back to his dear old native place and be at ease with normal happenings.


“Ah! That’s my jolly little jolly house …….” Frentax said pointing at his house. On it were no indications of the presence of bricks and cement – only sturdy solar panels on all of its sides.

“ It is smaller than this Earth but it is bigger than my uncle’s pen ……” said Frentax in a thoughtful manner.

An information board suspended over the heavy metal gate read as “BEWARE OF TYRANNOSAURUS REX”. Frentax opened the metal gate and near came a Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur wagging its tail. Journix looked frightened to death. Frentax patted its enormous head softly and began to fondle it. Journix fearfully thought of running away from the house.

“It’s a baby dinosaur just 20 months old …..” said Frentax, admirably.

“ A baby ….” Journix wondered looking at the five feet tall, fierce looking, decimal tonne creature.

“Don’t worry, Totty won’t hurt you”  Frentax assured.

“ I only hope Totty does not hurt me unintentionally…” muttered Journix looking at its swiftly wagging lengthy tail.


Meanwhile, the dinosaur suddenly whacked a tree trunk with its tail – a good one.



“Pronounce the password….” whispered the entrance door speaker of the house.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Hee! Hee! Hee! ….” Frentax burst into an uproacious laughter.

The entrance door opened gently.

“ That was my security password because robbers don’t laugh when they steal ….” Frentax boasted apparently pleased with his intelligence.

Jounix’s head went swimming.

“ How is my school friend Tintax? “ Frentax asked as he opened the door.

“ He is fine” replied Journix “ He told me to convery his regards to you. I just forgot to say that”.

The lights in the house automatically got switched on.

“ I suppose you work with him “ Frentax asked and gestured Journix to sit on the Comfy sofa.

“Yes” said Journix “ It seems that both of you studied in the same school”

“Yes! Yes! That joker studied along with me. He used to sit next to my desk and also resided next to our house. A very funny chap, he was” said Frentax and smiled remembering his school life.

Journix turned around and looked at the inside of the house. The house was very luxuriant and pleasing too.  Frentax switched on the television and then took out a small remote from a desktop and pressed a button. …………….And Up stood a three feet tall mini-robot.


“Bonty, this is our jolly good guest” Frentax introduced Journix. The robot gently nodded its metal head and “hello”ed him with its strange voice.

“ Our guest should be hungry by now, serve us dinner”

The robo went inside the kitchen making soft machine sounds. In few minutes, the dinner was served.



“ He always eats and never allows me to eat “ grunted Bonty, the robo. “ I only receive the electric current”.

Frentax smiled and looked at Journix.


“Your Bonty has excellent looks” Journix admired and felt its neat metal finish.

Bonty’s face screen appeared very violet and pleasant looking.

“Tell you, What, Old boy! It is made out of materials taken from mud and sand and processed then after as metal and lights “ Frentax chucked


Bonty’s face screen became red.

“ If I am made out of materials taken from mud and sand, that computer idiot box over there is no better than me” Bonty grunted pointing at a micro processor kept on a table.

“ Take it easy, old boy”, said Frentax to Journix “ Bonty always has ego problems with that micro processor …….What!”

Behind them, the artificially intelligent micro processor made a sharp sound and turned the heads of all the three of them.

The micro processor’s screen appeared “red” too.

“ If I am an idiot box and have come out from materials taken up from mud and sand, that television idiot box over there is no better than me “. An angry message was shown on its screen.

Meanwhile, the innocent television was quietly displaying a “Scooby Doo”show.

“You started the whole thing” said Journix and looked at the mischievous Frentax.

Frentax smiled in agreement.

Journix looked quite tired. Frentax noticed it and took him to a luxurious guest room. Journix found the room much to his liking. In minutes, he was in deep resting sleep.

Several hours slowly passed by.




Journix opened his eyes. The Sun had already opened its eyes. Frentax had finished the prime obligations of the morning and was neatly dressed up.

“ Good Morning “ Bonty wished Journix

“ Good Morning “ Frentax wished Journix.

“ Good Morning “ Journix wished both of them.

“ Good Morning “ read the artificially intelligent micro processor’s screen.

Journix energetically got down from the water bed. In short time, he was dressed up too.

“What would you like to have?” Frentax extended his hospitality.

“Tea” Journix replied.
“Bonty, a cup of tea for our good guest and a cup of hot milk with a spot of dicaution for me” Frentax placed the order.

In few minutes, both of them were served.

“Bonty, our guest will be leaving today evening” Frentax said with an air of regret.

Journix nodded his head regretfully.

Bonty’s face screen appeared dark blue and mournful.

“As your flight is leaving this evening we can while away our time by visiting jolly places and spend our jolly time …..What!? “ Frentax cheered up Journix.

“You are making me a jolly person” said Journix, excited.

“First we shall see a good movie and thenafterwards do some shopping. We only have got that much time. Next time, you must allot atleast one month stay in our city” Frentax requested.

“ You can rest quite assured on that notion” said Journix, soothingly.

Bonty served them a delicious breakfast. After the breakfast. Frentax went to the car garage and drove out a solar powered sports car. Totty, the tyranno-saurus rex went near him, joyously wagging its tail.

Journix took leave of the mini robot and looked at the micro processor’s screen. It appeared blank for its power supply had been switched off. He came out of the house and carefully got into the sports car. The dinosaur went near him and blinked its eyes.

Journix touched its large head and slid his hand over it. The dinosaur amiably blinked its eyes.

The jolly car sped up without noise towards the movie hall. After minutes of normal driving, Frentax selected the “Very High Speed” asphalt road and switched on the Alternate fuel AFTERBURNER button. Immediately, the car blasted its acceleration in decimals of transonic speed. Journix enjoyed the drive. After couple of minutes of the transonic drive, a large information board laid across the road read “SLOW DOWN”. And the car’s speed became a normal car’s speed once again.

“What if we didn’t slow down” asked Journix disappointed with the car’s deceleration.

“That easy, old boy” Frentax chuckled. “ a speed breaker would have popped up from the road and would have broken our speed …..Not to mention the breaking of wheel axles and our collective bones. Thenafter ambulances would have come and collected our bone wreckage in a human ambulance and the debris of our car in an automobile ambulance.

“ I really do not want myself to be placed in an ambulance” Journix said with a smile.

The movie hall appeared very soon. Frentax parked the car and took out his wallet.

What sort of currency do you use hereabouts? Jounix curiously inquired.

“Bubble is our currency “ Frentax explained with delight.

“ 100 bubbles make one drop bubble” Frentax went on “ 100 drop bubbles make one Well bubble, 100 Well bubbles make one River bubble and 100 river bubbles make one Ocean Bubble. Isn’t that quite simple.”

“These people are crazy” Journix jokingly murmured.

“Poisonax is the richest man of our state” Frentax informed “ His properties are worth more than thousand Ocean Bubbles.”

“What about your’s ?”  Journix asked him curiously.

“Mine is worth for six River Bubbles” Frentax replied “But I am a rich man because I do not desire seven River Bubbles”.

The information board of the theatre revealed the name of the movie in blistering display”.


“Eighty bubbles please “ said a gorgeous female fashion model sitting at the ticket counter.

Frentax gave her a drop bubble. In return, he was given two tickets and twenty bubbles. Journix near the counter looking at the gorgeous model with wide open mouth, his eyelids hesitantly closing in long seconds. Frentax began his move. But Journix’s body refused to move. The model looked at him and smiled a naughty pleasant smile. Frentax was smiling too. Journix really hated to leave the counter.

The theater was spectacular! When a forest appeared on screen, the theater smelt like forest. When a restaurant appeared on the screen, the theater smelt of delicious food stuffs. When a garden appeared, the theater smelt fragrant. Everyone wiped the sweat of their eyebrows when a desert appeared on the screen. When snow clad mountains appeared, everybody and every body went cold. Not to mention the deafening sound effects of the surround sound pro logic dolby multi - dimensional speakers.

Journix did not just enjoy the movie – he completely digested it. The long movie which had too many interesting sequences ended in quick hours. After coming out from the hall, Frentax informed Journix about the jolly spot they would be visiting next. Journix eagerly rolled his eyes at the ticket counter to have a glimpse at the gorgeous model for feeding her into his permanent memory inside the visual department. But a man was sitting inside the counter with a long serious face. Journix hated the man from the bottom portion of his heart.

The next jolly spot happened to be a shopping spot. Frentax bought small interesting things peculiar to the city for Journix. Due to the fact that a guest spending money in the city would be construed as an insult to the host, Journix did not bring any money with him. So he kept a low profile in shopping. Both of them roamed for nearabout two hours. Then suddenly ………………….

………………Journix saw the backs of three different kinds of beings with abnormal lean physical appearance. Not to mention their thin legs and hands. Their heads were quite large in clear contrast with other individuals. And their skulls were transparent !!!

The convulsions of their brains were clearly visible from the outside. Their heads were covered with sealed glass and two small cylinders of orange and green colors were attached to their backs. Journix fearfully pointed them to Frentax.

“Ah ! These are our tourists from the Mars Planet. They like our market products. Once in a while they visit us for shopping.” Frentax said as if nothing was wrong.

Journix kept looking at them in close observation. They turned around and revealed their enormous eyes. Journix remembered them seeing them in an old movie “ Mars Attacks” when he was a small boy. But in that movie they were humorously  attacking the Earth but now they were shopping on the Earth in reality. Journix looked around for a Music shop which would become a safe place for him in the event of them going off their rocker. But even small children went and shook hands with them.


Blue Danube Airport


“It was jolly nice having you here, old boy, what ! “ Frentax chuckled.

“What Wot, What !” Journix shot back humorously.

Both of them burst in laughter.

“ I’ll be really sorry to see you leave, my dear friend” said Frentax slightly disappointed.

“ Please do not worry. Next time, I will definitely come with Tintax and spend a couple of days” Journix assured and patted Frentax’s shoulder. “ Tintax is wanting to see you too”.

“ You will be jolly welcome, old fruit” Frentax smiled and gave his card to him.

“ Come and see us sometime” Journix invited him and carefully slipped the card into his wallet.

Frentax waved Goodbye ! Both seemed sorry to leave each other.



Before boarding the aircraft destined to go to his native place Journix was asked by security personnel to enter into the security clearance room. After few minutes, he was cleared to board the aircraft.

When Journix went to his home town, he like all other visitor told his near and dear ones that the city was an interesting one. And nothing more than that ! Though he remembered everything, he did not say anything. Journix never knew that certain memory to speech connection cells were altered when he was in the security clearance room at the Blue Danube Airport of the Inverted City.

                                                                                                      Gokula Anand
     2001 – 2002                                                                                          GOKE
This write was first published on this blogspot on december last week, 2018

NOTE: This write is not closed. It is subject to new updates.
It is possible that better social & governmental systems might be put in a new write named "Inverted City 2"
Written and included in the above write (updates)
December last week, 2018
*1 & *2.  The words in italics were recent additions done during the above mentioned week when this story written during 2001 - 2002 was first published in this blogspot.

The driver cum transportation minister (mistake) in original hand written document was corrected as mayor.
The driver cum mayor shifted the left hand gear upwards and soon their Abnormal bus was also airborne. 

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