Thursday, 14 April 2016

About english language

 Just 26 letters
A language has been created
Though very superficial, it has managed to spread and rule the world.
Great writers and their observations have become less known and nothing because they wrote in different languages
Simple writers have become great ones. Their advantage - the language of english.
The western psychology is superficial.
The allopathy form of medicine is superficial too.
Everything western are superficial but very attractive.
26 letters fit in well in a computer keyboard. These days the computers rule the external world. The combination of english along with it have made them omnipotent.
There is a higher language much better than english and all other languages of the human world - the language of silence belonging to emotions and feelings. When you are filled with an emotion or feeling, you do not use words.
There exists nothing in this world as harmless language.
All languages are harmful.
If you are a smoker, smoking one cigarette a day, if you think or write in english for 6 hours, you will smoke 5 cigarettes that day.
It is just like eating cake or ice cream. If in excess, you will become uncomfortable and unhealthy.
Talk non-stop for 11 hours and observe what happens to the internal condition of your body.
Energy condition becomes like boiling water on a stove - exactly like that. Really, keep talking for 11 hours non stop. Become a professor, teacher or something like that.
A well where water is silent. Without disturbance. Throw a stone, it is disturbed, sound is produced, ripples are produced. Silent mind and you. Pronounce a word, what happens to the well will happen to you.
Do not give more importance to any language.
Do not feel better with any language.
Do not feel great speaking english.
Become a "feeling" being instead of a "talking" being.

This is for your betterment.